I nostri uffici saranno chiusi dal 24 dicembre al 3 gennaio. Buone Feste!

The Company is the People it Chooses


Our contribution aims at identifying high-value resources in order to sustain the growth of your corporation/ company.

Our mission is to support you in identifying the most suitable professional for your business reality, outlining the profile with clarity and intercepting the best skills offered on the labour market, with constant monitoring also abroad.

We design and carry out focused actions able to meet, rapidly and with strict confidence, your organisational needs.

We run our business in full awareness and respect for the structure, the objectives and values of our customers.


In depth analysis of Customer’s needs and job analysis to collect information about the duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment

Elaboration of the Job Description integrated with hard skills, soft skills shared with the Client

Activities for Research and Selection:

  1. Use of recruitment marketing channels
  2. In-depth screening and targeting of the suitable candidates
  3. Individual interviews examining professional, personal and motivational aspects
  4. presentation of shortlisted candidates

Reporting of the recruitment process

Assistance during the interview, negotiation and hirinig process

Assessment period for the candidate and for his/her integration in the company


  1. Substitution of candidacy in case of no agreement.
  2. Substitution of the candidacy in case of interruption of the employment relationship during the trial period agreed with Alti Profili.
  3. Assistance from the selection manager for the entire duration of the search.
  4. Payment of the fee only upon completion of the agreed trial period.


Head Hunting

Sometimes Clients ask for something more: they wish to engage with candidates from their own sector o competitors who might be interested in taking new career paths into consideration.

It is right here that Alti Profili’s know how expresses our full potential, in the specific research of professionals, perhaps hardly foundable or to get in touch with. All presented with strict confidence, quickness and efficiency.

Assessment test

Our assessment test supports and integrates the interviews in order to verify attitudes, capabilities and personal traits in an objective manner.

Our organisation defines from time to time, from case to case, the most functional test to the ongoing recruitment process.


The Assessment is a recruitment and evaluation technique for the candidate’s potential. We make use of it in order to observe and analyze the necessary skills and attitudes for particular organizational roles. Consisting of a series of tests which are designed according to the role and behavior inspected, it allows us to foresee, with good reliability, if the candidate might bring into effect certain actions or adopt certain behaviors in the future.

International Monitoring & Recruitment

From the start, Alti Profili pursues the objective of effectively matching candidates and client companies. For this reason, our research also addresses the international labour market, where a growing number of enterprises are searching for Highly-skilled with updated competencies and profiled professional figures.

Our service is based on continuous monitoring and assessment offered to our clients on our national territory, allowing them to recruit new talents beyond borders, by doing so expanding the perspectives for the growth and development of their activities.

Global Talent Search

In order to search for specific professional figures in line with the profile requested by the company, Alti Profili is able to efficiently address the global labour market. The recruitment is then oriented towards foreign profiles or those of Italian residents living abroad who are willing to seize the opportunity of working in Italy or for Italian companies while remaining abroad.

Through targeted research, we are able to look beyond national boundaries to satisfy the needs/ necessities of companies and guarantee the recruitment of the most suitable candidate, when necessary.


Executive Search è il nostro servizio dedicato alla ricerca e selezione di figure di alto livello che ricoprono ruoli chiave in azienda.

Questa tipologia di figure, fondamentali per la crescita e lo sviluppo delle aziende, sono difficilmente reperibili attraverso i tradizionali metodi di ricerca e selezione del personale.

Ecco perché i nostri consulenti di Alti Profili Executive, dopo un’attenta analisi delle esigenze del cliente e del contesto del mercato, sono in grado di progettare interventi mirati finalizzati a individuare i profili professionali più idonei, garantendo la massima riservatezza a tutte le parti.

A completamento dell’attività di ricerca, è sempre previsto l’assessment per tutti i profili selezionati: uno strumento di valutazione delle competenze e delle potenzialità che permette di identificare i leader di maggior talento.

In un mercato sempre più competitivo, con l’Executive Search di Alti Profili è possibile trovare la persona giusta per i ruoli chiave di ogni organizzazione.

For information on the services offered to companies by Alti Profili